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September 2025 Admissions 

Please see the below documents to assist with the admissions processes for a place at Whitcliffe Mount in September 2025.

To apply for a place at Whitcliffe Mount, parents/carers need to use the Kirklees Portal using the links below:

Log in/Create new user for the portal:

You can apply online for a school place for September 2025, between 1 September 2024 and 31 October 2024. If you apply after this date it can severely reduce your chances of obtaining a place at your preferred school.

To apply for a place at Whitcliffe Mount parents/carers need to follow the link below:

All correspondence relating to applications will be via email from Kirklees Admissions.

If you do not live in Kirklees (i.e. you do not pay council tax to Kirklees Council) applications must be made through your home local authority, the local authority you pay your council tax to.

Parents/carers of children currently in Year 6 who have completed the application but did not name Whitcliffe Mount and who now wish to apply for a place in Year 7 should inform school admissions at Kirklees that they wish to change their preference.

If you aren't happy with the place you have been offered for your child please follow the link below

Kirklees Admissions Telephone: 01484 225007

For information regarding admissions for places at Whitcliffe Mount, please see the relevant Admissions Policy below.

In-year Admissions

If you are applying for an in-year admission at Whitcliffe Mount Academy for your child, the frequently-asked questions below will support you through your application and what to expect. 

What is an In-year admission?

An in-year admission is when a child already attends a school but wants to transfer to another school outside of the usual transfer time, for example because the child is moving to a new address. These transfers take place during the school year, which is why they are called in-year admissions. There are two different types of in-year admission:

  • Parents or carers who are moving/have moved house and wish to move to a school closer to their new home.
  • Parents or carers who are not moving house, or whose change of address is not a significant one (a significant house move is defined as over 2 miles for Key Stage 1 or 3 miles for Key Stage 2 and above) but would like their child to change school.

Click here for more information on In-year admissions (

What is an ICAF?

The ICAF (In-Year Common Application Form) is used by parents/carers to apply for their child to change school during the school year.

You may apply at any time during the school year, but no earlier than one school term in advance of when the school place is required. A child usually starts at a new school at the beginning of a term unless their home address has changed significantly, or they are new to Kirklees.

You can apply for any school(s) in Kirklees on the Kirklees ICAF but not private fee-paying schools. Please contact the Academy for a paper copy ICAF.

Click here for more information and how to complete an ICAF (

I have completed my ICAF – where do I send it?

You should return the completed ICAF directly to the school/academy that you name in Section 7 of that form. If your preference is for a Kirklees community or voluntary controlled school, the school will forward details of your request to Kirklees Pupil Admissions to process.

Click here for more information and how to complete an ICAF (

I have submitted an ICAF for an In-year admission, what happens next?

The admission authority for the school/academy will aim to send you, within 10 school days, but must within 15 school days of the application being received, a decision letter to offer or refuse a place at the school/academy.

Once the authority has confirmed your place, you will need to notify them that you accept the place for your child.​​​​​​

My child has been offered a place at Whitcliffe Mount Academy. What happens next?

Once the Academy has had confirmation that you have accepted the place, your child’s new Head of Year (HoY) will contact you within 10 days to arrange an appointment for an initial meeting. During this meeting, you will be given a guided tour of the Academy, your child’s planner will be provided and discussed, and information around our home school agreement, rewards, behaviour and uniform/equipment, will be given. If required, we will arrange a further meeting with the Academy SENDCo.  

A date will then be arranged for when your child can come in for the morning and complete English, Maths and Science assessments and a reading test.  After this, your child’s start date will be confirmed and communicated with you. You will also receive information about your child's form group and induction day. 

During your child's induction day, your child can expect to receive their timetable, discuss school routines and expectations, have their fingerprint and photograph taken (with consent) and buddy up with another student, to support their integration into school. Their HoY will check in with them at break and lunchtime.

Once your child has started school, parents/carers should ensure they have access to ClassCharts, ParentPay and SIMs Parent App. 

If you require any further information including access to ClassCharts, ParentPay and SIMs Parent App, please contact the Academy. 

WMA Admissions Policy