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Year 6-7 Transition Information

Transition to Secondary School

The first years of a young person’s education journey generally takes place in a relatively small primary school. Students become familiar with the people and confident and comfortable within the primary school environment. It is no surprise that quite often the prospect of moving to a much larger and unfamiliar setting of secondary school can be very daunting. This change can present many new challenges for young people and their parents/carers.

At Whitcliffe Mount Academy, we aim to help your child(ren) settle into their new school smoothly and for you as a parent/carer to feel fully supported through the transition process.  If you have any questions regarding your child's transition to Whitcliffe Mount, these may be answered in the frequently asked questions below. Alternatively, you can contact the Academy transition team on

 “Parents are particularly complimentary about the transition for pupils who have recently started Year 7.” – Ofsted, September 2017

The countdown is on to your first day at
Whitcliffe Mount Academy! 

We can't wait to welcome you to Whitcliffe! We hope you're as excited as we are!


"On my transition day we had to get into our forms and spend time with our form tutor. I was worried about how my form teacher would be, a scary old lady who hated me. But I was wrong.  Actually, my form teacher is probably in my ‘Top 3 Teachers’ list. She is a very kind maths teacher called Miss Lee and she definitely does not hate me."

- Evelyn Stones, Year 7


Meet the Transition Team

Mrs K Starkey
Transition Lead and DSL

Mrs L O'Brien
Head of Year









Key Dates

Monday 1st July 2024 SEND Transition Day
Monday 1st July 2024 Parent/Carer Transition Information Evening
Tuesday 2nd July 2024 National Transition Day
15th - 19th July 2024 Transition Week
Tuesday 3rd September 2024 First day of term


Parent/Carer Transition Information Evening

We warmly welcome you to the 2024 Parents/Carers Transition Information evening on Monday 1st July and highly recommend your attendance wherever possible. Important information will be shared with you during this event that will help prepare you and your child(ren) for the start of their new secondary school journey. We want to answer any questions or queries that you have, to alleviate any concerns and to help every child to feel excited about joining Whitcliffe Mount. In attendance on this evening will be Mrs Hesmondhalgh (Headteacher), Mrs Starkey (Transition Lead) and other members of our Academy’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Smart Uniforms & Rawcliffe's (Uniform Suppliers). We hope that this evening will be both informative and supportive for you and your child(ren) and prepare our new year 7’s well ahead of them joining our Academy community in July.

The format of the evening will be a tour of the Academy with our student leaders, followed by a presentation from Mrs Hesmondhalgh. We kindly ask you arrive 5 minutes before your session is due to start. To book your place, please use the 'Book Now' link below:

4.15pm tour for a 5pm presentation
5.15pm tour for a 6pm presentation

6.15pm tour for a 7pm presentation

Year 7 Personal Development Tutors



Form Name 


Mrs Ewen 

7 Clough 1 


Mr Mason 

7 Clough 2 


Mr Lally 

7 Grylls 1  


Mrs Hinchliffe

7 Grylls 2  


Mr Cranfield 

7 Mowat 1  


Mr Reed 

7 Mowat 2  


Miss Pickles

7 Wadsworth 1 


Miss Bibi 

7 Wadsworth 2 


Mrs Sidat 

7 Whiteley 1  


Mr Giblin 

7 Whiteley 2 


What time will I start school?

We ask that you arrive to school no later than 8:30am, your year group will be brought inside shortly after, giving you time to arrive and settle in your classroom for Personal Development Time.

When will I have a break?

You will break for 20 minutes after your second lesson. The Dining Hall will be open if you would like to get breakfast, a snack or a drink. You will also have a 25 minute break for lunch. During these breaks you are able to go outside to a supervised area for some fresh air (dependent on weather conditions)

What will I need to bring to school?

You will need to have the following items with you when you come to school each day.

  • Student planner - this will be provided by us.
  • Pencil case
  • Pens (black or blue ink and a green pen)
  • Pencil
  • Rubber
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Ruler
  • Scientific Calculator
  • Protractor
  • Whiteboard pen
  • Reading book
  • Water bottle

Will I be allowed to bring my mobile phone?

Mobile phones can be brought to school, but they must be turned off on arrival and not be used, turned on, seen or heard during the school day.

Where can I buy my school uniform?

Rawcliffes in Dewsbury and Smart Uniforms in Batley are the stockists of our school uniform. The full list of school uniform required is available to view here.

Do I need to bring money to school with me to pay for school items?

You don't need to bring money into school to pay for items. We are a cashless school, so we ask that your parents/carers use the ParentPay account that has been created for you. You can use this account to pay for replacement student planners, revision guides, school lunches, school trips etc. More information on this will be available shortly.

Will I have a locker?

There are a number of lockers available at school. There is a small charge of £6.50 for this which covers the cost of the locker until the end of Year 11. We ask that this payment is made on ParentPay.

Who can I speak to if I am worried about something?

As well as your Personal Development tutors and your Head of Year, we have a Wellbeing team at Whitcliffe Mount who look at the social, emotional and mental health needs of students. We have available wellbeing support, this is located in Inspire, on the ground floor.

If you want to speak to any member of the wellbeing team, you can stop us around school, or ask any of your teachers to get a message to us.

You'll also hear from the team in assemblies and tutor time activities, and see us around school popping in and out of lessons. 

Will I have a school planner?

Yes! Your planner will be one of your most important pieces of equipment. As well as being used for your homework and deadlines, it's also one of the main ways for teachers and parents to communicate with one another on a regular basis. We ask that a parent or carer signs your planner each week to show that they have received any messages from school. You'll be given your planner when you start here with us. If, at any point, your planner becomes lost or damaged, your parents/carers will be asked to purchase a replacement planner on ParentPay.


Virtual Tour

Click on the link below for a virtual tour of the school

Welcome Video 

Click on the link below to view our welcome video

School Bus Information 

Click on the link below to be redirected to the West Yorkshire Metro website for information about bus services to and from Whitcliffe Mount