Careers Information & Guidance
CEIAG refers to a range of activities and interventions that help young people to make informed choices. Whitcliffe Mount School aims to develop students that can make a positive contribution to the local community and beyond. It also aims to inspire students to strive to achieve the best.
Whitcliffe Mount School careers education programme provides our students with the opportunity to plan and manage their careers effectively, ensuring progression which is ambitious and aspirational. It promotes equality of opportunity, celebrates diversity and allows students to develop academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually.
Whitcliffe Mount School is committed to providing all pupils year 7 - 11 with a careers programme which is embedded into the curriculum and includes an extensive enrichment and extracurricular programme of activity. The programme has been developed to in line with the gatsby benchmarks for ensuring best practice and to meet the Department for Education's statutory guidance 2018 and amended guidance 2021. We measure the impact of our programme, through our destinations and NEET figures; which can be found uploaded in our documents below.
Contact Information
School Email
Careers Leader & Senior Leadership Team Link
Joseph Loxam -
The Baker Clause states that schools must allow colleges and training providers access to every student in years 8 to 13 to discuss non-academic routes. At Whitcliffe Mount, we provide this from Year 7 and therefore promote the full range of technical education qualifications and apprenticeships.
Youth Support Services - What is different about students aged 13+?
Once our students reach the age of 13, the law requires us to pass on certain information to C and K Careers acting on behalf of Kirklees Council in providing Youth Support Services. This is the local authority support service for young people aged 13 to 19 in England. We must provide the names and addresses of our students and their parents and any further information relevant to the support services’ role. This enables them to provide youth support services and careers advisers. The information shared is limited to the child’s name, address, and date of birth. However, where a parent or guardian provides their consent, other information relevant to the provision of youth support services will be shared. This right is transferred to the child once they reach the age 16. Data is securely transferred to the Youth Support Service via Anycomms+, the LA’s secure transfer system, and is stored securely by the LA and held for 7 years. We may also share certain personal data relating to children aged 16 and over with post-16 education and training providers to secure appropriate services for them. We are required by law (under regulation 5 of the Education (Information about Individual Students)) England Regulations 2013, to pass some information about our students to the Department for Education (DfE). This is the part of the Government which is responsible for schools. This information may, in turn, then be made available for use by the Local Authority. The DfE may also share information about students that we give to them, with other people or organisations. This will only take place where the law, including the law about data protection, allows it. For more information about Kirklees Council’s youth support services please go to C&K Careers service page at: For additional information go to the National Careers Service page at:
Our Careers offer is reviewed annually and will be reviewed again in October 2025.