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Our Academy

Headteacher Welcome 

I am proud to be Headteacher at Whitcliffe Mount and to lead a school which has a strong sense of community into the next chapter of its journey. I believe wholeheartedly in creating a school that enables all students to achieve, develop and thrive so that everyone is best placed to be happy and successful in the future. Our vision and values are lived through our ethos of 'Together, we are proud to be our best', that focusses upon supporting all our students to feel a strong sense of belonging, personal achievement and high aspiration. 

We aim to inspire and empower our students and staff through a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum by respecting and supporting each other in all aspects of school and community life. We will focus on good behaviour, good teaching and high expectations of all, so that everyone can access a good education and build positive characteristics that help them in their future lives. 

Whitcliffe Mount Academy joined SHARE Multi Academy Trust in September 2022, a small family of schools in West Yorkshire with a focus upon “Valuing People, Supporting Personal Best”. The benefit of this partnership is in working together to share expertise, ideas and best practice to make every school the best place that it can be for all our students.

We look forward to welcoming you into our Academy community and building strong relationships.

Mrs Rebecca Hesmondhalgh
