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Contacting School

Reporting a Student Absence

Please notify school on the morning of the first day of your child's absence by calling 01274 851152. The parents/carers of children who are absent and have not informed school will be sent a text message to inform them of their child's absence.

General Enquiries

For all other enquiries, please contact the most relevant member of staff from the list below who will be happy to help resolve any queries or concerns. The Year Team are generally the first point of contact for pastoral queries, and specific issues can be directed to the staff named below.

We will endeavour to make contact within 2 school working days as per the school policy. 

Academic Year 2024/25

Year 7

Mrs L O'Brien - Year Lead

Year 8

Miss R Spencer - Year Lead

Year 9

Miss A Young - Year Lead 

Year 10

Miss N Donaldson - Year Lead

Year 11

Miss P Johnson - Year Lead

Attendance and Punctuality Lead

Mrs C Socha

Wellbeing and Support Team 

Miss K Starkey - Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss P Ashworth - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss K Bland - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs H Stubbins - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Careers Advisors 

Shanaz Sarwar - CK Careers 

Deputy Headteacher (Quality of Education)

Mrs H Jeffrey

Assistant Headteacher 

Mr C Elstub

Mrs H Stubbins 

Mr J Loxam

Mrs N Dawe

Mr C Clark

Deputy Headteacher (Pastoral)

Miss K Bland

Associate Assistant Headteacher 

Mr J Waddington

Miss R Lenk

Mrs C Hanogue


Mrs N Dawe (Temporary)

Assistant SENDCo

Mrs J Hobson


Mr D Quirk - Director of Learning 

Mathematics Faculty 

Mr Ward - Director of Learning 

Science Faculty 

Mr J Waddington - Director of Learning 

Humanities Faculty (History and Geography)

Miss L Newham - Director of Learning

Performance Faculty (PE, Music, Audio Production, Performing Arts, Drama)

Mr M Hartley - Head of Subject, PE

Miss R Lenk - Director of Learning, Performing Arts

Mrs K Stephenson - Head of Health & Social Care

MFL Faculty (French and Spanish)

Mrs B Sykes - Director of Learning 

Technology Faculty (Technology, Engineering, Construction, Food, Graphics, Textiles)

Mrs E Collins- Director of Learning 

Art & Design Faculty

Miss D D'Abreu - Head of Subject, Art & Design

Business & Computing

Ms S Bell - Director of Learning