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These Revision Guides and Workbooks are designed for the AQA GCSE Geography course we follow. These are available to use in Achieve or you can buy them from Amazon or similar.

Some of the examples and case studies are different to the ones we study in lessons. You have been given a Paper 2 Case Study/Example booklet created by us to help with this. There are copies of this available in Achieve.

The Case Study/Example booklets and other revision resources are saved on SharePoint. Go to the school website, click on the Quick Links, then Student/Staff Portal. Then click on Microsoft 365 on the white boxes, and sign in using your school account details. Click on the box of 9 dots in the top left corner and find SharePoint. Go into documents and there is a Geography folder in the Revision Resources. This is full of different retrieval and revision tasks and information to help you revise!

You could also use websites like BBC Bitesize, Internet Geography, Time for Geography, Cool Geography and Seneca.